223 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for TinyFingerCerebrum


Sat 3rd Oct 18:29
Antastic! rated  Fair
I keep trying this game out, trying to enjoy it as much as all the ratings suggest I should. I've played other boards that I don't win, and I still enjoy them quite a bit. The idea of this board is great, it just sometimes feels predictable. That's probably because I can predict that, no matter how I set up my armies and how good of a position I feel I'm in, Eventually the other person will come in with more. I'm hoping that I learn this board better. I do have fun, it's just not on my favorite list.
#7 of 7
Sat 3rd Oct 18:02
Merge Sort rated  Perfect
I can hardly say how happy I was when I saw that someone had put a merge sort onto a map. Besides the fact that I'm a nerd, I like this board because of the interesting attack structure. The bonuses are set up just about perfectly. There are lots of strategies that are made even more fun by the fact that each board is randomly different; now I just need to figure out a strategy with which I can win.
#6 of 7
Sat 3rd Oct 17:55
Crystal Caves rated  Perfect
I think the best way to describe this board is to say, "It's like Antastic, but with more complexity and strategy that make it much more fun." I might be biased by the fact that I won the first game I played here. Still, I was impressed by the balance of this board. The fact that you see other castles (once you own one) gives you a little idea of what's going elsewhere. This makes it a board that is much more about strategy than about good dice. However, you don't see too much. Fun back-story, too. Great board!
#5 of 7
Sat 3rd Oct 17:48
Civil War rated  Good
I enjoy this board. Its bonus structure, with the cities, isn't my favorite. (That could be because I haven't mastered it yet.) It does seem to me that, in every game I played, the person who controlled the East first ended up winning the game. Because of this, I feel like your starting position can heavily influence the ending. Still, this is a board that a beginner could pick up easily, but on which there are tons of different strategies.
#4 of 7
Sat 3rd Oct 17:44
Quantum Entanglement rated  Great
The addition of the extra dimension in this game makes for fun and different strategy. A new twist on an old classic that definitely hit the mark. I played mostly 3+ player games, and it seemed that the dynamic was great.
#3 of 7
Sat 3rd Oct 17:41
Crossword rated  Superb
I love the idea of this board; it's very creative. Not only that, but there are a lot of different strategies to use on this board. When you can get one or two squares that block off an area, you're set. To be honest, it's also fun to see that you're getting 150 or so armies. Great work!
#2 of 7
Wed 16th Jul 20:46
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
It's hard not to love the classic.
#1 of 7